Wed, Apr 17
Brush lettering for begginers
Brush lettering : 17/04 - 18:30 You don’t need any previous experience, just come and have fun! You can buy your ticket now, or make a reservation. *Drinks are not included. Cost: 30€
Time & Location
Apr 17, 2024, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Bergamo, Via Pignolo, 38, 24121 Bergamo BG, Italia
About The Event
Impara qualcosa di nuovo e facile mentre entri in contatto con altre persone e ti diverti!
- Una cartella con i fogli guida per gli esercizi + Brush Marker (lo porti a casa) 🗒️🖋️
- Matite, gomme, ecc. se necessario ✏️
- Una persona che accompagna l’evento @chiara.ridella
- Snacks🥜
A new experience has arrived!
Learn something new, and easy while you connect with other people and have a good time!
- A folder with guide sheets for the exercises + Brush Marker (you take it home) 🗒️🖋️
- Pencils, erasers, etc. if necessary ✏️
- A person accompanying the event 💁🏻♀️
- Snacks 🥜
Pay full ticket online - 17/04
You don’t need any previous experience, just come and have fun! *Drinks are not included Non è necessaria alcuna esperienza *Le bevande non sono incluse
€30.00Sale ended